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смотреть близкорасположенное жилье фотография de Cyclosportive
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Четверг 4 Август 2011r. 2MO organisation 19390 Chaumeil (Corrèze) Chaumeil
телефон : 05 55 25 03 03
смотреть на сайте http://www.pariscorreze.fr The first edition of the Cyclosportive Laurent Fignon organized by Racing Bike 19 will be held Thursday, August 4, 2011 at Chaumeil the morning of the second stage of the Paris Corrèze on the historic circuit of gold Monédières Bowl. The group will leave at 8:30 in the morning.
Event hilly uplands in the natural setting of massive Monédières on the legendary circuit Bowl Gold Monédières.
Each tower is 21.4 kilometers with the climb of the giants.
You can choose between 1, 2 or 3 laps.
For more information and registration form, visit www.pariscorreze.fr or email: louis.2mo @ orange.fr

  • Golfe Hotel Rue Du 9 Septembre 1943 20137 Porto-Vecchio начиная с 80.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Golfe Hotel
  • Holzer 12 Rue Jean Jaurès 20137 Porto-Vecchio начиная с 50.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Holzer
  • Hotel Costa Salina Quai Pascal Paoli 20137 Porto-Vecchio начиная с 80.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Hotel Costa Salina
  • ile de sein et douarnenez 1 rue saint corentin 29990 ÃŽle-de-Sein

  • La Buissonnière La buissonniere 43800 Saint-Vincent

  • Les Chambres d'Hôtes du Lanot 73, rue Jean Roux LE LANOT 33770 Salles

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