
Exposition de peintures de david boublil

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Exposition de peintures de David Boublil

от 27 Июль 2010r. до 28 Август 2010r. David Boublil 19130 Objat (Corrèze) Office du Tourisme d'Objat, place Charles de Gaulle, derrière la mairie
телефон : 05 55 25 96 73
смотреть на сайте http://www.davidboublil.fr David Boublil presents 30 paintings at the tourist office during a month.
If you wish to discover the colourful universe David has painted for our pleasure, please come and visit the art show.
when watching a painting done by David, you will first discover a main character whether a portrait or a music instrument. it is only after a second look that you may discover dozens of faces, characters or music notes... some paintings include a few hundreds of those...

The show can be seen from mondays to saturdays between 10 and 12am and 2 to 6 pm and on sundays between 10 and 12am. free entrance

  • Auberge Saint Jean 5 Place De L'eglise 19270 Brive-la-Gaillarde начиная с 39.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Auberge Saint Jean
  • Relais Du Bas Limousin Lafonsalade 19270 Saint Viance начиная с 52.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Relais Du Bas Limousin
  • Mercure Brive Le Griffolet 19270 Brive-la-Gaillarde начиная с 59.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Mercure Brive
  • Bassin d'Objat Chouzenoux 19130 Objat

  • Les Granges des Sources à Objat Les Sources Route de Chouzenoux 19130 Objat

  • Gîte au Saillant 452 av Général Duché 19130 Objat

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