Воскресенье 8 Август 2010r.Comité des fêtes de MEYRIGNAC l'EGLISE et la municipalité
19800 Meyrignac-l'Église
(Corrèze)Eglise de MEYRIGNAC
телефон : 06 81 31 87 71
FREE Concert in the church of Meyrignac Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 20:30 Program: Piano Duo (Alina Pavalache) and violin (David Marcian) works by Brahms, Vitali, Grieg, etc. .... Alina is true to our small town Marcian and David is 1st violin of the Philharmonic Orchestra of IASs (Romania) and has participated as a violinist in the movie THE CONCERT, released this year, including the Violin Concerto Tchaikovsky.