
FÊte du pain et du safran limousin avec dejeuner au safran

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смотреть близкорасположенное жилье фотография de FÊTE du PAIN et du SAFRAN LIMOUSIN avec DEJEUNER au SAFRAN
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Суббота 24 Июль 2010r. Mr Dominique Dorme 19800 Meyrignac-l'Église (Corrèze) Meyrignac l'Eglise
телефон : 06 81 31 87 71
Veronique LAZERAT (Saffron Font St Blaise Hollow) will be the godmother of this festival, the program: 10 am: baking bread (plain or saffron) in the oven of the village selling pies on site noon: a toast to friendship followed by a lunch prepared with Safran Safran cultivated by our farmers Limousin. You will share this meal with Sophie Vouzelaud, our beautiful ambassador and our local producers and also with our local authors: Reynal Charlou Paulette Earl, Regine Rossi Lagorce, Marie-France Houdart, Veronique Lazerat Jean Alambre RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED ... or at 0681318771 at 0555212436 from 10 to 18 animations, meeting local authors signing books on the subject of gastronomy 16h: Véronique LAZERAT conference on the rudder (its history, its culture and its place in the gastronomy ...) in the evening: entertainment, music and dance COUNTRY restaurant on site and throughout the day: MARKET producers and processors of SAFRAN LIMOUSIN

  • P'tit Dej-Hotel Tulle Zi Tulle Est 19000 Tulle начиная с 47.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  P'tit Dej-Hotel Tulle
  • Domaine Du Bosquet Lieu Dit Lafont - Rue De La Védrenne 19300 Ceaux начиная с 28.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Domaine Du Bosquet
  • Mercure Tulle Centre 16 Quai De La République 19000 Tulle начиная с 60.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Mercure Tulle Centre
  • La ptite ferme de Caro Puy de fourche 19800 Meyrignac-l'Église

  • Au bois de Calais Rue Rene Cassin 19800 Corrèze

  • Au bois de Calais Rue René Cassin 19800 Corrèze

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