Archive of the Agenda of Corrèze for 2014
56 events in the calendar 2014.
Entertainer, performerInterclubs roulantthe Sunday 29 June 2014 UZERCHE - AUTO- RETRO Uzerche (Corrèze) les cardeires
Phone : 09 67 21 43 04
Soirée lumineuse et dansantethe Sunday 13 July 2014 RITOU NICOLAS Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) Marcillac la Croisille
Phone : 06 79 43 79 45
Sunday, July 13, from 10:30 pm, evening light and dancing, beach camping de Marcillac la Croisille, Fireworks and free dance in the open air, with DJ Manu. Organized by the Association click ' Anim
Fête du milhassoufrom August 08 2014 to August 11 2014 Pourteyroux Montaignac-Saint-Hippolyte (Corrèze) bourg
Phone : 06 37 48 75 57
Friday, August 8:20:30 pm ZUMBA PARTY with "cardio fit aurel" at the input stage 7 Euros. Duration 1 h 30 on reservations Saturday, August 9:14 h 00 20 h 00 Grill petanque competitions followed by a ...
FETE VOTIVEfrom August 22 2014 to August 24 2014 RITOU NICOLAS Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 06 79 43 79 45
Friday, August 22 in the village from 7: 30 pm, great Soapbox race, organized by the Association click ' Anim, followed of a grand ball disco with DJ Manu at the salle des fêtes.Saturday 23 August, ... Concours de Chantthe Saturday 8 November 2014 Nelson GICQUEL Chamberet (Corrèze) Salle des fêtes
Phone : 06 35 92 06 39
traduction en cours
AntiquesVide grenier de Travassacthe Sunday 25 May 2014 Association Les amis Travassacois Donzenac (Corrèze) Place du grand Solar - Route des ardoisières à Travassac
Phone : 05 55 22 65 83
vide -greniersthe Sunday 1 June 2014 céline condaminat Saint-Pantaléon-de-Lapleau (Corrèze) la gare
Phone : 0 55 55 27 51 91
Sale of second-hand objects. presentation of old photos. Demonstration and sale hand-made works. Sale of french pancakes.
vide grenierthe Sunday 6 July 2014 Mme Veyre Regner Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) marcillac la croisille
Phone : 05 55 27 87 87
48h du véhicule de collection et vente aux enchères de véhicules anciensfrom July 19 2014 to July 20 2014 Remi Lesseynne Uzerche (Corrèze) Les Carderies
Phone : 05 55 98 43 04 ou 09 67 21 43 04
VIDE GRENIER AGRICOLEthe Saturday 9 August 2014 Remi Leyssenne Uzerche (Corrèze) Les Carderies
Phone : 05 55 98 43 04 / 09 67 21 43 04
ConcertsXINARCA en concertthe Sunday 16 March 2014 Xinarca - chant & cistre corses Sornac (Corrèze) Auberge de la Fontaine à SORNAC à 15 h
Phone : 05 55 67 88 58
Concert Xinarca chant et ciste corses - Perpezac le Blanc - Eglise 17hthe Sunday 6 April 2014 Patricia Baudoux Perpezac-le-Blanc (Corrèze) 24, av. du Général Duché - 19130 OBJAT
Phone : 06 72 90 55 14
Concert " Naissance de l'Italie Concertante "the Sunday 11 May 2014 Association "Au Bord des Orgues" Bort-les-Orgues (Corrèze) Eglise
Phone : 05 55 96 81 85
"Birth of the CONCERTANTE Italy" on Sunday, May 11, 2014, at 5 p.m. in the Church of the Orgues (Corrèze) by all "NULLA DIES SINE MUSICA": Cornett Cornett, Serpent, Sackbut, natural trumpets, baroque ...
Concert Xinarca chant et ciste corses - Tulle - Eglise St Jean-Baptiste - 17hthe Sunday 18 May 2014 Patricia Baudoux Tulle (Corrèze) 24, av. du Général Duché - 19130 OBJAT
Phone : 06 72 90 55 14
concert de la choralethe Friday 4 July 2014 FOURNET HELENE Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 05 55 27 71 01
Friday 4 July evening, choir at the Church of the association "The crossroads of the songs"
XINARCA en concertthe Saturday 5 July 2014 Xinarca, chant & cistre corses Saint-Fréjoux (Corrèze) Eglise Saint-Jean-Baptiste à 17h
Phone : 06 71 93 18 58
Apéritif concertthe Tuesday 8 July 2014 RITOU NICOLAS Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 06 79 43 79 45
All Tuesday evening from 19 h, aperitif free concert with different groups of different music on the Town Hall square. Organized by the Association click ' Anim in partnership with the bar restaurant ...
Concert d'Accordéon et voixthe Friday 18 July 2014 Marie Laure Fraysse Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 05 55 27 81 07
Friday, July 18 at 9 p.m. at the Church of Marcillac la Croisille, concert accordion and voice with Marie Laure Fraysse, entrance free, organized by click ' Anim
Concert de Nadauthe Saturday 19 July 2014 Comité des Fêtes de Donzenac Donzenac (Corrèze) 19270 DONZENAC
Phone : 07 82 18 63 30
Concert "Flûte de Pan et Orgue"the Friday 8 August 2014 Association "Au Bord des Orgues" Bort-les-Orgues (Corrèze) Eglise Saint-Germain
Phone : 05 55 96 81 85
Concert "Flute of Pan and organ", organized by the Association of the friends of the organ of the Church of bort-Les-Orgues (Corrèze) Church on Friday, August 8, 2014 at 9 p.m. Philippe Emmanuel HAAS ...
Concert Groupe A Vuciata - Chant et polyphonie corsesthe Sunday 19 October 2014 Patricia Baudoux Objat (Corrèze) 19130 OBJAT
Phone : 06 72 90 55 14
ContestsConcours de belotethe Friday 8 August 2014 Mme Veyre Renier Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 05 55 27 87 87
Friday, August 8 at 8: 30 pm, contest of belote at the salle des fêtes of Marcillac la Croisille, organized by the Association Bouton d'Or
DancesRencontres Chorégraphiques Départementalesfrom June 07 2014 to June 08 2014 Henri LEBOULLEUX Brive-la-Gaillarde (Corrèze) Hôtel du Département "Marbot", 9 rue René et Emile Fage 19005 TULLE Cedex
Phone : 05 55 93 77 53
ExhibitionsExposition de peintures pour Antoine Soubranefrom April 02 2014 to April 17 2014 A.Soubrane Ussel (Corrèze) Centre Culturel Jean Ferrat à Ussel
Phone : 05 55 96 23 53
5e salon artistique à Soudaine Lavinadière Corrèzefrom August 14 2014 to August 17 2014 Geneviève Senéjoux Soudaine-Lavinadière (Corrèze) Germont 19370 CHAMBERET
Phone : 05 55 98 34 15
5e salon artistique à Soudaine Lavinadière en Corrèzefrom August 15 2014 to August 17 2014 Geneviève Senéjoux Soudaine-Lavinadière (Corrèze) Germont
Phone : 05 55 98 34 15
FestivalsBrive Festival 2014from July 18 2014 to August 02 2014 Stéphane Canarias Brive-la-Gaillarde (Corrèze) SPL Brive Tourisme Agglomération - 19 rue Maréchal Brune - 19100 Brive la Gaillarde
Phone : 05 55 24 08 80
Brive Festival 2014from July 18 2014 to August 02 2014 Stéphane Canarias Brive-la-Gaillarde (Corrèze) SPL Brive Tourisme Agglomération - 19 rue Maréchal Brune - 19100 Brive la Gaillarde
Phone : 05 55 24 08 80
18ème Festival Ô les Choeurs : BARATHON les29, 30 et 31 aoûtfrom August 29 2014 to August 31 2014 Association Elizabeth My Dear Tulle (Corrèze) 4, Impasse Pièce Saint Avid 19000 TULLE
Phone : 06 73 39 33 07
MarketsGrande foire du 14 juilletthe Monday 14 July 2014 MAIRIE Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 05 55 27 82 05
MARCHE VILLAGEOISthe Wednesday 23 July 2014 RITOU NICOLAS Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 06 79 43 79 45
Wednesday, July 23 from 6: 30 p.m., market village, the Town Hall Square in Marcillac la Croisille, free, many producers and craftsmen, tourtous, aligot, duck, preserved foods, wines, cheeses, ...
Marché villageoisthe Wednesday 13 August 2014 RITOU NICOLAS Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 06 79 43 79 45
Wednesday, August 13 from 6: 30 p.m., market village Town Hall Square, free, many producers of country, and craftsmen, tourtous, aligots, ducks, preserves, wines, cheeses, honey,... animated by the ...
Open daysJournée porte ouverte chez les pompiersthe Saturday 19 July 2014 VEYSSET DAMIEN Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 06 31 02 93 78
Saturday, July 19, all day, at the rescue centre of Marcillac la Croisille, from 14 h to 18 h, maneuvers and demonstrations of young fire-fighting, first aid and forest fires, throughout the day, ...
Walk and visitRando du goût, goût de la randothe Sunday 6 April 2014 Lydie SOUBIRANT Ayen (Corrèze) Place du 14 Juillet
Phone : 05 55 24 08 80
Quatrieme edition of the hike of taste, taste of the Rando Ayen is a community initiated since 2007 with various actions listed in the context of its Agenda 21 sustainable development. Since then, ...
Rallye des Monédièresthe Sunday 18 May 2014 UZERCHE - AUTO- RETRO Uzerche (Corrèze) les cardeires
Phone : 05 55 98 43 04 & 09 67 21 43 04
La boucle des plateaux de l'ouest corrézienfrom September 27 2014 to September 28 2014 Lydie SOUBIRANT Brive-la-Gaillarde (Corrèze) Place du 14 Juillet
Phone : 05 55 24 08 80
Come and discover the hidden treasures of the Limousin! Welcome to the country of the limestone hills a few kilometres from Brive la Gaillarde! On 27 and 28 September 2014, come and participate in the ...
Trade exhibitionsSalon eCorrèze 2014 - L'internet pour les PRO....!from November 05 2014 to November 06 2014 Cybercorreze Tulle (Corrèze) Avenue du Docteur Albert Schweitzer 1900 tulle
Phone : 05 55 17 69 84
ShowsAtelier Vocal Départemental 2014the Tuesday 1 July 2014 Henri LEBOULLEUX Meymac (Corrèze) Hotel du Département "Marbot", 9 rue René et Emile Fage, 19005 TULLE Cedex
Phone : 05 55 93 77 53
Atelier Vocal Départemental 2014the Wednesday 2 July 2014 Henri LEBOULLEUX Brive-la-Gaillarde (Corrèze) Hotel du Département "Marbot", 9, rue René et Emile Fage, 19005 TULLE Cedex
Phone : 05 55 93 77 53
Atelier Vocal Départemental 2014the Thursday 3 July 2014 Henri LEBOULLEUX Tulle (Corrèze) Hotel du Département "Marbot", 9 rue Rene et Emile Fage, 19005 TULLE Cedex
Phone : 05 55 93 77 53
Cirque ROZELthe Thursday 17 July 2014 ROZEL Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 06 31 65 06 35
Thursday, July 17, parking of puy Bich in Marcillac la Croisille, circus for children
Spectable GUIGNOLthe Wednesday 20 August 2014 MR FALK Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 06 82 56 88 55
Spectacle of puppet for small children on Wednesday, August 20 at 6 pm on the square of the rocker to the croisille-marcillac
Xinarca chant et cistre corses - Rosiers d'Egletons (19)the Friday 17 October 2014 Patricia Baudoux Rosiers-d'Égletons (Corrèze) Le Bourg
Phone : 06 72 90 55 14
SportsTournois de foot en sixtethe Saturday 12 July 2014 RATELADE Frédéric Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) Marcillac la Croisille
Phone : 06 89 55 09 49
Saturday, July 12, tournaments football in sixth stage bellevue in Marcillac la Croisille, entries from 1 pm, organised by the Association Sportive Marcillacoise and Clergoux
Stage de Tennisthe Tuesday 15 July 2014 KALKIAS LAURENCE Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 05 55 27 81 07
Stage of tennis for children and adults on 15-16-17 July from 9:30 to 11: 00 at the salle Omnisports de Marcillac la Croisille rates 35 € + €5 club card, organized by the tennis club marcillacois
Stage de tennisthe Tuesday 22 July 2014 KALKIAS Laurence Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 05 55 27 81 07
Stage of tennis 22-23-24 July from 9:30 to 11: 00 at the indoor arena of Marcillac la Croisille, organized by the tennis club marcillacois, fare 35 € + €5 club card
Compétition internationale de ski nautiquefrom July 26 2014 to July 27 2014 LAVAL DIDIER Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 05 55 27 68 34
Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 July, throughout the day, great international competition of water skiing on the Lake of Valletta, Marcillac la Croisille, jumps, slaloms, figures, organized by the sailing ...
Stage de tennisfrom August 12 2014 to August 14 2014 KALKIAS LAURENCE Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 05 55 27 81 07
Stage of tennis on 12-13-14 August from 9 h 30 to 11 h at the Verizon-sponsored tennis club marcillacois, fare 35 € + €5 club card
Stage de tennisfrom August 19 2014 to August 21 2014 KALKIAS LAURENCE Marcillac-la-Croisille (Corrèze) MARCILLAC LA CROISILLE
Phone : 05 55 27 81 07
Stage of tennis 19-20-21 August from 9 h 30 to 11 h at the indoor arena of marcillac the croisille, organized by the tennis club marcillacois, price 35 € + €5 club card
TheatresThéâtre TOC TOC de Laurent BAFFIEthe Tuesday 16 September 2014 Danielle DECAY Ussac (Corrèze) salle des fêtes
Phone : 06 68 69 18 53
théâtre TOC TOC de laurent BAFFIEthe Friday 28 November 2014 Danielle DECAY Objat (Corrèze) Saint Pantaléon de Larche 19600
Phone : 06 68 69 18 53
sthéâtre Toc Toc de Laurent BAFFIEthe Friday 28 November 2014 DECAY Danielle Objat (Corrèze) salle des congrès 19130 OBJAT
Phone : 06 68 69 18 53
Ateliers, StagesStages de calligraphie & d'enluminurefrom April 01 2014 to September 25 2014 Jörg Moniez Aubazines (Corrèze) Abbaye d'Aubazine
Phone : 06 79 43 00 48
Stage de chants corses animé par Xinarca - Perpezac le Blancfrom April 03 2014 to April 06 2014 Patricia Baudoux Perpezac-le-Blanc (Corrèze) Salle polyvalente - Perpezac le Blanc
Phone : 06 72 90 55 14
Imprimerie d'Artfrom April 16 2014 to November 30 2014 Bruno Mielvaque Lissac-sur-Couze (Corrèze) Le pas de cigale - au Perrier
Phone : 05 87 43 09 84
Stage de Chant Choral "Chantons ensemble!" Brivefrom July 13 2014 to July 18 2014 Delattre Claude Lissac-sur-Couze (Corrèze) Lissac sur Couze 19600
Phone : 06 74 38 15 08
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